研究テーマ Research

自ら必要な情報の創出を Creating the information you need


Do you think that pharmacists need research abilities? We are collaborating with the Division of Pharmacy at Chiba University Hospital to conduct a wide range of research to solve clinical problems. For example, we conduct basic and clinical analysis on drug administration design in patients who is critically ill or with rare diseases. Furthermore, we challenge basic research on the accumulation of cholesterol in macrophages and the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, which are involved in the onset and progression of arteriosclerosis. We would like to develop professionals who can not only use drug information but also create the medical information they need.

動脈硬化に関する研究  Mechanism of the initiation and development of atherosclerosis


In the atherosclerotic lesions, there are large amount of foam cells derived from macrophages and smooth muscle cells containing excessive cholesterol ester. To clarify the reason why cholesteryl ester accumulation in macrophages of atherosclerotic lesions, we investigate the role of acrolein-modified apoliproteins in macrophage. We also perform study to clarify the mechanism of phenotype change of vascular smooth muscle cells and establish 3D culturing method for vascular smooth muscle cells.

薬物治療の個別適正化に貢献する研究 Research to individualize drug treatment

医薬品の有効性および副作用の個人差には、生理的要因 (加齢・妊娠)、病的要因 (肝疾患、腎疾患、心疾患)、先天的要因 (遺伝子多型) など様々な要因が関わっています。私たちは、それぞれの医薬品の血中濃度・有効性・副作用に影響を与える要因を特定することで、個々の患者に最適な薬物療法を模索しています。本研究は、千葉大学医学部附属病院の患者および医師の協力を得た臨床研究を中心に展開しています。

In order to use drugs more effectively and safely, we perform study to clarify factors responsible for either efficacy or adverse reactions for optimization of individual pharmacotherapy. Clinical researches are conducted using e.g. blood concentration of drugs with cooperation of the patients and physicians of Chiba University Hospital.
