Message from the Professor

Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics
Prof. Kousei Ito, Ph.D.
Undergraduate: Pharmaceutics I, Pharmaceutics III, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Drug Safety, Practice in Pharmaceutics A
Graduate: Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Individualized Pharmacotherapeutics
Education / Career summary
Mar., 1995 | B.A. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
Mar., 1997 | M.A. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
Mar., 2000 | Ph.D. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Prof. Yuichi Sugiyama) |
Apr., 2000 - Mar., 2005 | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University |
Apr., 2005 - Dec., 2012 | Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital |
Nov., 2006 - Sep., 2007 | Visiting Fellow, University of Groningen, Netherlands |
Jan., 2013 - | Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University |
I have been presiding over “Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics” since January, 2013.
Although I’m originally specialized in pharmacokinetics, now I undertake studies for elucidation of molecular mechanism which is responsible for onset of drug induced toxicity and for development of its prediction methods, as I had been faced with situations that patients and doctors were suffered from adverse effects of drug at the previous workplace (The University of Tokyo Hospital). The main effects of most drugs are well understood, however, these drugs may induce unexpected side effects and are still prescribed to patients. Most trouble thing is that we cannot predict the drug disaster and those profiles; who is suffering, when it occurs, and what drug causes it. I am convinced that if we were able to predict those adverse drug reactions in advance, these drugs would be much more safe and convenient for us.
Generally speaking, it became consensus that universal mechanism elucidation is the purpose of scientific research. However, I personally believe that “Predicting the future based on that universality” is also the essence of science. Pharmacokinetics, which I was majored in, is an academic field established for predicting the drug disposition, by regarding the body as a universal system. I would like to apply this perspective to toxicological area so that fusing together and developing them is also our future mission.