
The university life of 1st and 2nd year students is focused mainly on lectures, but from, additionally, practical training starts at the second semester of the 2nd year. Students attend (universal education subjects) common classes in the general university classrooms, and (professional education subjects) specialized classes in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. From the 3rd year, students elect to enter either the Department of Pharmacy or the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. While attending classes of specialized subjects (professional course ?), 3rd year students have their practical training continuously. There are classes in the morning, and the practical training in the afternoon nearly every day, and so students must take full control of their own health care to ensure that they do not miss days due to illness. In the practical training, there are more opportunities for receiving the instruction directly from tutors and graduate students, (and at same time,) students get to experience the fascination of pharmacy at first hand with performing experiments by themselves. From the second semester of the 3rd year, students are assigned to laboratories in small groups. Students spend most time of a day in the laboratory apart from the days of classes. The laboratory is the frontline in research. Playing a part in this research is fascinating. It is also a good opportunity to spend time one-on-one with the faculty, graduates, and other experienced researchers.


We have various scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization and other institutions and exemptions of enrollment and tuition fees. These grants and exemptions are available for students who have financial difficulty from economic circumstances to continue their study at our university (faculty). A detail of these scholarships and exemptions are informed on notice boards, and also students can also consult the academic affairs staff of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Consultation service

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences appoints three faculty members in each year to serve as class advisors from the 1st year. They offer detailed consultation about study and student life. The Faculty also has two harassment advisors. In addition, the Student Support Office offers general consultations about anything, while the Student Consultation Office of the Safety and Health Organization offers health consultations. These various consultation services cover a range of eventualities.

Annual events

The main university event in which students of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences participate is the University Festival. This involves classes and extracurricular (activities) groups taking part in various activities. Within the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the students organize welcome and leaving parties for new students and graduating students. Occasionally, they also organize sporting events between laboratories and other recreation. Each laboratory organizes its own events such as parties, trips and so on.

Extracurricular activities

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has six official circles for extracurricular activities, independent from those of the university as a whole. The following are messages from the general managers of the circles.

The pharmacology baseball team comprises members from the 1st to the 4th year. The team is called “Yakuya” as the nickname. Every spring and autumn, there’s a tournament between four universities (Chiba, Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka), and the team trains (practices) for its victory two or three times a month. We also have friendly matches against teams of former students. It’s a very enjoyable circle.

The pharmacology Japanese flower arrangement circle has a long history. The teacher is a graduate of the faculty, and we practice the Ikenobo school of flower arrangement. Working with flowers helps to clear the mind and allows you to forget the busyness of everyday life. This is a valuable time. Unfortunately we’ve had to halt our activities for the moment, but I hope you’ll enjoy flower arrangement with us.

The oriental medicine study group is a traditional circle which has been organized for 75 years. The group meets twice a month at the moment. The activities are mainly PowerPoint presentations and making our own herbal decoctions. We also have gatherings for practical training and to interact with the Chiba Oriental Medicine group (Medical school of Chiba university). We currently have about ten members. Please join us if you’re interested in Chinese medicine!

The pharmacology tea ceremony group practices the Omote Senke style of tea, from 5 to 7 pm every Friday at Inohana. Our teacher is a very kind person, and juniors and seniors alike enjoy a quiet break from the busy routine. At the University Festival, we hold a tea ceremony, and many people visit us every year.

At the University Festival tea ceremony

The pharmacology soccer circle makes use of the Honchiba futsal court for training (practice) about once or twice a month on weekdays. Many of our members are beginners as soccer players, so it’s a very uncompetitive circle. After the 2nd year, students spend most of their time on the Inohana Campus, making it difficult to take part in university-wide circles and athletics. For this reason, I we highly recommend our circle for playing a bit of sport after school. We look forward to you joining us.

The pharmacology tennis team comprises members from the 1st to the 3rd year. We have about 20 members, and we train about once a week. We have expert players and many beginners. We’re a very welcoming circle where first-timers can feel at home. It’s a good opportunity to meet with senior students. Why don’t you join us at the pharmacology tennis team?