
原著 Original article 1994-1995

1. H. Takayama, S. Suda, I. Chen, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai :
Two New Dimeric Indole Alkaloids from Tabernaemontana subglobosa Merr. from Taiwan.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,42, 280-284 (1994).

2. S. Subhadhirasakul, N. Aimi, H. Takayama, D. Ponglux, and S. Sakai :
Hunterioside, First Biose Bound Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloid from Hunteria zeylanica.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,42, 991-993 (1994).

3. H. Takayama, W. Nitta, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai :
A New Gardneria Alkaloid, Gardquinolone, Having a Novel 4-Quinolone Skeleton.
J. Nat. Prod.,57, 521-523 (1994).

4. S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, D. Ponglux, and S. Sakai :
Novel Indole Alkaloids from the Leaves of Rauwolfia sumatrana Jack. in Thailand.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,42, 1427-1431 (1994).

5. M. Kitajima, H. Takayama, and S. Sakai :
Synthesis of a Novel Gelsedine-Type Gelsemium Alkaloid, Gelsemicine.
J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trnans.1, 1573-1578 (1994).

6. H. Takayama, Y. Tominaga, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai :
First Synthesis of the Novel Gelsemium Alkaloids, Gelselegine, Gelsenicine, and Gelsedine Using a Biomimetic Approach.
J. Org. Chem.,59, 4381-4385 (1994).

7. H. Takayama, M. Kitajima, and S. Sakai :
A Biomimetic Synthesis of a Novel Seco Indole Alkaloid, 11-Methoxygelsemamide.
Tetrahedron,50, 8363-8370 (1994).

8. H. Takayama, Y. Morohoshi, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, S. Wongseripipatana, D. Ponglux, and S. Sakai :
Two New Iridoids from the Leaves of Gelsemium elegans Benth. in Thailand.
Nat. Prod. Lett.,5, 15-20 (1994).

9. H. Takayama, S. Subhadhirasakul, J. Mizuki, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, D. Ponglux, and S. Sakai :
A New Class of Two Dimeric Indole Alkaloids, Coryzeylamine and Deformylcoryzeylamine from the Leaves of Hunteria zeylanica in Thailand.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,42, 1957-1959 (1994).

10. W. Reanmongkol, K. Matsumoto, H. Watanabe, S. Subhadhirasakul, and S. Sakai :
Antinocicetive and Antipyretic Effects of Alkaloids Extracted from the Stem Bark of Hunteria zeylanica.
Biol. Pharm. Bull.,17, 1345-1350 (1994).

11. N. Aimi, N. Uchida, N. Oya, S. Sakai, L. A. Mendonza, P. Obits, and J. Stoeckigt :
Isolation of Two New Nitrogenous Metabolites from the Cultured Cells of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco.
Heterocycles,38, 2411-2414 (1994).

12. S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, Y. Miyabe, N. Aimi, D. Ponglux, and S. Sakai :
New Corymine-Related Indole Alkaloids from Hunteria zeylanica in Thailand.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,42, 2645-2646 (1994).

13. H. Takayama, M. Kitajima, and S. Sakai :
A Biomimetic Synthesis of a New Skeletal Gelsemium Alkaloid, 11-Methoxy-19(R)-hydroxygelselegine.
Tetrahedron,50, 11813-11820 (1994).

14. H. Takayama, R. Yamamoto, M. Kurihara, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, L. Mao, and S. Sakai :
On the Indole Alkaloids, Nauclefidine; Structure Revision, Synthesis, and A Biomimetic Transformation from the Vincoside Lactam.
Tetrahedron Lett.,31, 8813-8816 (1994).

15. M. Mikage, F. Kiuchi, S. Sakai, and Y. Tsuda :
Morphological Study and Alkaloidal Analysis of Uncaria scandens (Rubiaceae) from Nepal.
Nat. Med.,48, 155-160 (1994).

16. N. Keawpradub, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai :
Indole Alkaloids from Alstonia glaucescens.
Phytochem.,37, 1745-1749 (1994).

17. D. Ponglux, S. Wongseripipatana, H. Takayama, M. Kikuchi, M. Kurihara, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai :
A New Indole Alkaloid, 7a-Hydroxy-7H-mitragynine, from Mitragyna speciosa in Thailand.
Planta Medica,60, 580-581 (1994).

18. S. Sakai and H. Takayama :
Biomimetic Chemical Transformation of Simple Indole Alkaloids to Gelsemium Alkaloids.
Pure & Applied Chemistry,66, 2139-2142 (1994).

19. H. Takayama, M. Maeda, S. Ohbayashi, M. Kitajima, S. Sakai, and N. Aimi :
The First Total Synthesis of (−)-Mitragynine, An Analgesic Indole Alkaloid in Mitragyna speciosa.
Tetrahedron Lett.,36, 9337-9340 (1995).

20. S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, Y. Miyabe, M. Kitajima, D. Ponglux, S. Sakai, and N. Aimi : Two Novel Sarpagine-Type Indole Alkaloids from the Leaves of Hunteria zeylanica in Thailand. Heterocycles,41, 2049-2056 (1995).

21. H. Falkenhagen, L. Polz, H. Takayama, M. Kitajima, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, and J. Stökigt :
Substrate Specificity of Vinorine Hydroxylase, a Novel Membrane-Bound Key Enzyme of Rauwolfia Indole Alkaloid Biosynthesis.
Heterocycles,41, 2683-2690 (1995).

22. H. Takayama, M. Morikawa, M. Kitajima, S. Sakai, and N. Aimi :
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of a New Indole Alkaloid, 2,7-Dihydroxyapogeissoschizine.
Nat. Prod. Lett.,7, 81-84 (1995).

23. W. Reanmongkol, K. Matsumoto, H. Watanabe, S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, and S. Sakai :
Effects of Alkaloids Extracted from the Stem Bark of Hunteria zeylanica on Acute Inflammation in Experimental Animals.
Biol. Pharm. Bull.,18, 33-36 (1995).

24. W. Reanmongkol, M. Tohda, K. Matsumoto, S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, and H. Watanabe :
Inhibitory Effect of Alkaloids Extracted from the Stem Bark of Hunteria zeylanica on 5-Lipoxygenase Activity in Vitro.
Biol. Pharm. Bull.,18, 910-912 (1995).

25. Y. Hanasaki, H. Watanabe, K. Katsuura, H. Takayama, S. Shirakawa, K. Yamaguchi S. Sakai, K. Ijichi, M. Fujiwara, K. Konno, T. Yokota, S. Shigeta, and M. Baba :
Thiadiazole Derivatives: Highly Potent and Specific HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors.
J. Med. Chem.,38, 2038-2040 (1995).

26. K. Ijichi, M. Fujiwara, Y. Hanasaki, H. Watanabe, K. Katsuura, H. Takayama, S. Shirakawa, S. Sakai, S. Shigeta, K. Konno, T. Yokota, M. Baba :
Potent and Specific Inhibitation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Replication by 4-(2,6-Dichlorophenyl)-1,2,5-thiadiazol-3-yl N,N-dialkylcarbamate.
Antimicrobial Agents Chemother.,39, 2337-2340 (1995).

27. 堀江俊治, L. T. Yamamoto, 二神洋子, 矢野眞吾, 高山廣光, 坂井進一郎, 相見則郎, D. Ponglux, J. Shan, P. K.T. Pang, 渡辺和夫:
モルヒネ代用タイ民間薬成分mitragynine の鎮痛作用および平滑筋収縮関連のCa2+チャネル遮断作用の解析。
和漢医薬学雑誌,12, 366-367 (1995).

総説・単行書等 Review, Monograph, etc 1994-1995

1. 相見則郎:アジア諸国との国際学術交流—UNESCO東南アジア天然物化学ネットワーク。ファルマシア, 31, 895-897 (1994).

2. 高山廣光、坂井進一郎:附子の成分・化学。現代東洋医学, 15, 230-237 (1994).

3. 坂井進一郎:Indole Alkaoid 類の化学研究。薬学雑誌, 115, 351-369 (1995).

4. 相見則郎:ある1つの薬用資源探索研究。ファルマシア, 31, 1363-1365 (1995).

5. H. Takayama and S. Sakai : Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Gelsemium Alkaloids. "Studies in Natural Products Chemistry" ed. by Atta-ur-Rahman, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol 15, 465-518 (1995).

6. P. Obitz, J. Stöckigt, L. A. Mendonza, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai : Alkaloids from Cell Cultures of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco. "Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives", 235-245 (1995)

7. K. Watanabe, S. Yano, S. Horie, S. Sakai, H. Takayama, D. Ponglux, S. Wongseripipatana : Pharmacological Profiles of 'Kratom'(Mitragyna speciosa), a Thai Medicinal Plant, with Special Reference to its Analgesic Activity. "Advance in Reseach on Pharmacologically Active Substances from Natural Sources", 125 (1995).

8. S. Yano, S. Horie, N. Aimi, S. Sakai, K. Watanabe : Antihypertensive Properties of Indole Alkaoids Including Hirsutine and Dihydrocorynantheine Isolated from Uncaria Plants. "Advance in Reseach on Pharmacologically Active Substances from Natural Sources", 159 (1995).

原著 Original article 1996-1997

1. H. Takayama, M. Kurihara, S. Subhadhirasakul, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and S. Sakai :
Stereochemical Assignment of Pseudoindoxyl Alkaloids.
Heterocycles,42, 87-92 (1996).

2. K. Ijichi, M. Fujiwara, H. Nagano, Y. Matsumoto, Y. Hanasaki, T. Ide, K. Katsuura, H. Takayama, S. Shirakawa, N. Aimi, S. Shigeta, K. Konno, M. Matsushima, T. Yokota, and M. Baba :
Anti-HIV-1 Activity of Thiadiazole Derivatives: Structure-Activity Relationship Reverse Transcriptase Inhibition, and Lipophilicity.
Antiviral Research,31, 87-94 (1996).

3. P. Leewanich, M. Tohda, K. Matsumoto, S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, and H. Watanabe :
Behavioral Studies on Alkaloids Extracted from the Leaves of Hunteria zeylanica.
Biol. Pharm. Bull.,19, 394-399 (1996).

4. N. Aimi, M. Kitajima, N. Oya, W. Nitta, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, I. Kostenyuk, Y. Gleba, S. Endreb, and J. Stöckigt :
Isolation of Alkaloids from Cultured Hybrid Cells of Rauwolfia serpentina x Rhazya stricta.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,44, 1637-1639 (1996).

5. H. Takayama, S. Shirakawa, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, K. Yamaguchi, Y. Hanasaki, T. Ide, M. Fujiwara, K. Ijichi, K. Konno, S. Shigeta, T. Yokota, and M. Fujiwara :
Utilization of Wieland Furoxan Synthesis for Preparation of 4-Aryl-1,2,5-oxadiazole-3-yl Carbamate Derivatives Having Potent Anti-HIV Activity.
Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett.,6, 1993-1996 (1996).

6. K. Matsumoto, M. Mizowaki, T. Suchitra, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, and H. Watanabe : Antinociceptive Action of Mitragynine in Mice: Evidence for the Involvement of Supraspinal Opioid Receptors.
Life Sciences,59, 1149-1155 (1996).

7. S. A. Achmad, E. H. Hakim, L. D. Juliawaty, L. Makmur, Suyatno, N. Aimi, and E. L. Ghisalberti:
A New Prenylated Flavone from Artocarpus champeden.
J. Nat. Prod.,59, 878-879 (1996).

8. H. Takayama, Y. Miyabe, T. Shito, M. Kitajima, and N. Aimi :
Biomimetic Synthesis of Nauclea Indole Alkaloids, Naucleidinal, and 3-epi-Naucleidinal, by Stereoselective Rearrangement of Strictosamide and the Vicoside Lactam Aglycones.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,44, 2192-2194 (1996).

9. M. Kitajima, S, Shirakawa, S. G. A. Abdel-Moty, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, and J. Stöckigt :
Structure and Synthesis of a New Chiral b-Carboline Found in Cultured Cell Clumps of Rauwolfia serpentina x Rhazya stricta.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,44, 2195-2197 (1996).

10. K. Matsumoto, M. Mizowaki, S. Thongpradichote, Y. Murakami, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, and H. Watanabe :
Central Antinociceptive Effects of Mitragynine in Mice: Contribution of Descending Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Systems.
Eur. J. Pharmacol.,317, 75-81 (1996).

11. A. S. Hamzah, N. Aimi, and N. H. J. Lajis :
Constituents of Hedyotis herbacea (Rubiaceae).
Biochem. Syst. Ecol.,24, 273 (1996).

12. I. Koshiishi, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, K. Yamaguchi, H. Toyoda, and T. Imanari :
A Novel Reaction of Cyanate of Dehydroascorbate.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,45, 344-348 (1997).

13. N. Aimi, T. Shimizu, H. Sada, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, S. Wongseripipata, and D. Ponglux :
Structures of Us-7 and Us-8: a New Type of Oxindole Alkaloids Isolated from Uncaria attenuata Korth.
J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.1, 187-188 (1997).

14. A. S. Hamzah, H. Jasmani, R. Ahmad, A. R. Baba, N. H. Lajis, N. Aimi, M. Kitajima, H. Takayama :
New Anthraquinones from the Roots of Hedyotis dichotoma.
J. Nat. Prod.,60, 36-37 (1997).

15. M. Tohda, S. Thongpraditchote, K. Matsumoto, Y. Murakami, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, H. Takayama, P. Tongroach, and H. Watanabe :
Effects of Mitragynine on cAMP Formation Mediated by d-Opiate Receptors in NG108-15 Cells.
Biol. Pharm. Bull.,20, 338-340 (1997).

16. M. Fujiwara, K. Ijichi, Y. Hanasaki, T. Ide, K. Katsuura, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, S. Shigeta, K. Konno, T. Yokota, and M. Baba :
Thiadiazole Derivatives: Highly Potent and Selective Inhibitors of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Replication In vitro.
Microbiol. Immunol.,41, 301-308 (1997).

17. K. Matsumoto, M. Mizowaki, H. Takayama, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, and H. Watanabe :
Suppressive Effect of Mitragynine on the 5-Methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine-Induced Head-Twitch Response in Mice.
Pharmaco.Biochem. Behav.,57, 319-323 (1997).

18. M. Kitajima, S. Masumoto, H. Takayama, and N. Aimi :
Isolation and Partial Synthesis of 3(R)- and 3(S)-Deoxypumiloside; Structural Revision of the Key Metabolite from the Camptothecin Producing Plant, Ophiorrhiza pumila.
Tetrahedron Lett.,38, 4255-4258 (1997).

19. H. Takayama, F. Watanabe, M. Kitajiama, and N. Aimi:
A Radical Cyclization Strategy for the Concise Total Synthesis of (±)-Geissoschizine.
Tetrahedron Lett.,38, 5307-5310 (1997).

20. H. Takayama, O. Ohmori, S. Subhadhirasakul, M. Kitajima, and N. Aimi :
Deeper Insights into the Stereostructure of Strictosamide Tetraacetate and Methylalangiside Tetraacetate, the Key Refference Molecules in Monoterpenoid Indole- and Isoquinoline Glucoalkaloids.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,45, 1231-1233 (1997).

21. N. H. Ismail, A. M. Ali, N. Aimi, M. Kitajima, H. Takayama, and N. H. Lajis :
Anthraquinones from Morinda eliptica.
Phytochem.,45, 1723-1725 (1997).

22. K. Husain, I. M. Said, L. B. Din, H. Takayama, M. Kitajima, and N. Aimi :
Alkaloids from the Roots of Tabernaemontana Macrocarpa Jack.
Nat. Prod. Sci.,3, 42-48 (1997).

23. K. Likhitwitayawuid, L. Wirasathien, V. Jongboonprasert, J. Krungkrai, N. Aimi, H. Takayama, and M. Kitajima :
Antimalarial Alkaloids from Goniothalamus tenuifolius.
Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett.,7, 99-102 (1997).

24. P. Leewanich, M. Tohda, K. Matsumoto, S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, and H. Watanabe :
Inhibitory Effects of Corymine, an Alklaoidal Component from the Leaves of Hunteria zeylanica, on Glycine Receptors Expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
Eur. J. Pharmaco.,332, 321-326 (1997).

25. M. Kitajima, M. Nakamura, H. Takayama, J. Stöckigt, K. Saito, and N. Aimi :
Constituents of Regenerated Plants of Ophiorrhiza pumila; Formation of a New Glycocamptothecin and Predominant Formation of (3R)-Deoxypumiloside over (3S)-Congener.
Tetrahedron Lett.,38, 8997-9000 (1997).

26. H. Takayama, Y. Iimura, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, K. Konno, H. Inoue, M. Fujiwara, T. Mizuta, T. Yokota, S. Shigeta, K. Tokuhisa, Y. Hanasaki, and K. Katsuura :
Discovery of Anti-influenza A Virus Activity of a Corynanthe-type Indole Alkaloid, Hirsutine, in vitro and the Structure Activity Relationship of Natural and Synthetic Analogs.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.,7, 3145-3148 (1997).

27. S. G. Abdel-Moty, S. Sakai, N. Aimi, H. Takayama, M. Kitajima, A. El-Shorbagi, A. N. Ahmed, N. M. Omar :
Synthesis of Cytotoxic 1-Polyhydroxyalkyl-b-carboline Derivatives.
Eur. J. Med. Chem.,32, 1009-1017 (1997).

総説・単行書等 Review, Monograph, etc 1996-1997

1. 高山廣光 ; 試薬のプロフィル, ファルマシア, 32巻, 1088-1089 (1996).

2. S. Horie, L. T. Yamamoto, S. Yano, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, S. Sakai, D. Ponglux, P. Tongroach, J. Shan, P. K. T. Pang and K. Watanabe : Neuronal Ca Channel Blocking and Opioid Receptor Stimulating Effects of Mitragynine, an Alkaloid of Thai Herbal Medicine Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) with Opioid-like Effects. in: Current Advances in Natural Product Research, ed. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, ThaiLand) p. 279-286 (1996).

3. H. Takayama, and S. Sakai : Gelsemium Alkaloids. "The Alkaloids", Vol. 49, 1-78 (1997)

4. 相見則郎(分担執筆):薬用資源学, 丸善 (1997).

原著 Original article 1998-1999

1. H. Takayama, S. Subhadhirasakul, O. Ohmori, M. Kitajima, D. Ponglux and N. Aimi :
Hunterioside B, A Disaccharide Carrying Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloid, from Hunteria zeylanica.
Heterocycles,47, 87-90 (1998).

2. H. Takayama, A. Watanabe, M. Hosokawa, K. Chiba, T. Satoh and N. Aimi :
Synthesis of a New Class of Camptothecin Derivatives, the Long-Chain Fatty Acid Esters of 10-Hydroxycamptothecin, as a Potent Prodrug Candidate, and their In Vitro Methabolic Conversion by Carboxylesterases.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.,8, 415-418 (1998).

3. M. Kitajima, M. Nakamura, A. Watanabe, H. Takayama and N. Aimi.:
Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of 9-b-D-glucosyloxycamptothecin, a New Gluco Camptothecin Isolated from Ophiorrhza pumila regenerated plants.
J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans.1, 389-390 (1998).

4. S. Thongpradichote, K. Matsumoto, M. Tohda, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, S. Sakai and H. Watanabe :
Identification of Opioid Receptor Subtypes in Antinociceptive Actions of Supraspinally-Administered Mitragynine in Mice.
Life Sciences,62, 1371-1378 (1998).

5. M. Kitajima, M. Nakamura, M. Ohsawa, M. Ueno, H. Takayama, J. Stöckigt and N. Aimi :
Anthraquinones from Ophiorrhiza pumila Tissue and Cell Cultures.
Phytochem.,48, 107-111 (1998).

6. H. Takayama, S. Suda, M. Kitajima, S. Sakai, D. Santiarworn, B. Liawruangrath and N. Aimi :
Indole Alkaloids from Tabernaemontana corymbosa in Thailand.
Nat. Med.,52, 289 (1998).

7. P. Leewanich, M. Tohda, K. Matsumoto, S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, N. Aimi and H. Watanabe :
A Possible Mechanism Underlyning Corymine Inhibition of Glycine-Induced Cl- Current in Xenopus oocytes.
Eur. J. Pharmacol.,348, 271-277 (1998).

8. P. Leewanich, M. Tohda, K. Matsumoto, S. Subhadhirasakul, H. Takayama, N. Aimi and H. Watanabe :
Inhibitory Effects of Corymine-Related Compounds on Glycine Receptors Expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
Jpn. J. Pharmacol.,77, 169-172 (1998).

9. H. Takayama, M. Kurihara, M. Kitajima, I. M. Said and N. Aimi :
New Indole Alkaloids from the Leaves of Malaysian Mitragyna speciosa.
Tetrahedron,54, 8433-8440 (1998).

10. O. Ohmori, K. Kumazawa, H. Hoshino, T. Suzuki, Y. Morishima, H. Kohno, M. Kitajima, S. Sakai, H. Takayama and N. Aimi :
Final Solution on the Long-standing Structural Arguments on the C-3 Stereochemistries of Three Glucoindole Alkaloids: Palicoside, Dolichantoside, and Isodolichantoside-through Chemical Conversions and Spectroscopic Studies.
Tetrahedron Lett.,39, 7737-7740 (1998).

11. M. Kitajima, Y. Arai, H. Takayama and N. Aimi :
A Chemical Study on "Yakatsu" Stored in Shosoin Repository. Isolation and Characterization of Four Indole Alkaloids from a 1250 year-old Sample of the Chinese Toxic Medicine.
Proceedings of the Japan Academy,74, Ser. B, No.7, 159-163 (1998).

12. H. Takayama, O. Ohmori, M. Sakai, M. Funahashi, M. Kitajima, D. Santiarworn, B. Liawruangrath and N. Aimi :
Isolation, Partial Synthesis and Stereochemical Study of 10-Hydroxystrictosamide, a Constituent of Nauclea orientalis in Thailand.
Heterocycles,49, 49-52 (1998).

13. M. Rahmani, C. Y. Ling, M. A. Sukari, H. B. M. Ismail, S. Meon and N. Aimi :
7-Methoxyglycomaurin: A New Carbazole Alkaloid from Glycosmis rupestris.
Planta Med.,64, 780 (1998).

14. S. Horie, T. Moriyama, S. Tsuchiya, S. Yano, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, S. Sakai, J. Shan, P. K. T. Pang, K. Watanabe:
Antagonistic Effect of Hirsutine, an Alkaloid of Uncariarhynchophyllawith Hypotensive Effect, on Opioid Receptors in the in vitro Assay.
J. Trad. Med.,15, 360-361 (1998).

15. H. Takayama, T. Kuwajima, M. Kitajima, M. G. Nonato and N. Aimi :
First Total Synthesis of the Pandanus Alkaloids, Pandamarilactam-3Y and -3X.
Heterocycles,50, 75-78 (1999).

16. H. Takayama, M. Kitajima and N. Aimi:
Chemistry of Camptothecin and its Related Alkaloids.
J. Synth. Org. Chem., Japan,57, 181-193 (1999).

17. H. Takayama, M. Kurihara, M. Kitajima, I. M. Said and N. Aimi :
Isolation and Asymmetric Total Synthesis of a New Mitragyna Indole Alkaloid, (—)-Mitralactonine.
J. Org. Chem.,64, 1772-1773 (1999).

18. O. Ohmori, H. Takayama and N. Aimi :
First Synthesis of Hunterioside, a Novel Disaccharide Carrying Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloid, by Assembly of Three Components, Tryptamine, Secologanin, and a Newly-Developed Glucosyl Donor.
Tetrahedron Lett.,40, 5039-5042 (1999).

19. H. Takayama, T. Shimizu, H. Sada, Y. Harada, M. Kitajima and N. Aimi :
Stereochemical Studies on the Uncaria Alkaloid, 3-Oxo-7-hydroxy-3, 7-secorhynchophylline: The Absolute Configuration of 3-Hydroxyoxindole Derivatives.
Tetrahedron,55, 6841-6846 (1999).

20. L. T. Yamamoto, S. Horie, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, S. Sakai, S. Yano, J. Shan, P. K. T. Pang, D. Ponglux and K. Watanabe :
Opioid Receptor Agonistic Characteristics of Mitragynine Pseudoindoxyl in Conparison with Mitragynine Derived from Thai Medicinal Plant Mitragyna Speciosa.
Gen. Pharmacolo.,33, 73-81 (1999).

21. O. Ohmori, H. Takayama, M. Kitajima and N. Aimi :
First Synthesis of Neoalangiside, a New Tetrahydroisoquinoline-monoterpene Glucoside, with Oxygen Functions at Unusual C1, C2 Positions.
Chem. Pharm. Bull.,47, 1512-1513 (1999).

22. D. Permana, N. J. Lajis, A. G. Othman, A. M. Ali, N. Aimi, M. Kitajima and H. Takayama : Anthraquinones from Hedyotis herbacea.
J. Nat. Prod.,62, 1430-1431 (1999).

23. H. Masumiya, T. Saitoh, Y. Tanaka, S. Horie, N. Aimi, H. Takayama, H. Tanaka and K. Shigenobu :
Effects of Hirsutine and Dihydrocorynantheine on the Action Potentials of Sino-Atrial Node, Atrium and Vensricle.
Life Sciences,65, 2333-2341 (1999).

24. H. Takayama, T. Kuwajima, M. Kitajima, M. G. Nonato and N. Aimi :
Isolation of Lignans and Ionone-Type Sesquiterpenes from Leaves of Okinawan Pandanus tectorius.
Nat. Med.,53, 335 (1999).

25. M. Fujiwara, EN. Kodama, M. Okamoto, K. Tokuhisa, T. Ide, Y. Hanasaki, K. Katsuura, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, H. Mitsuya, S. Shigeta, K. Konno, T. Yokota and M. Baba :
Characterization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Atrains Resistant to the Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor RD4-2217.
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26. M. A. Sukari, W. S. W. Salim, N. H. Ibrahim, M. Rahmani, N. Aimi and M. Kitajima :
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総説・単行書等 Review, Monograph, etc 1998-1999

1. H. Takayama and S. Sakai : Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloid Syntheses Utilizing Biomimetic Reactions. in: G. A. Cordell , editor. The Alkaloids, Academic Press, Vol. 50, pp. 415-452 (1998).

2. 相見則郎(分担執筆):知への世界へどうぞ, 千葉大学, pp. 133-134 (1998).

3. 相見則郎(編集及び分担執筆), 高山廣光(分担執筆):天然物化学, 東京, 南江堂 (1998).

4. O. Ohmori, H. Takayama, M. Kitajima and N. Aimi: The Correlation between CD Spectra and C-3 Stereochemistries of some Monoterpenoid Glucoindole Alkaloids. in: Towards Natural Medicine Research in the 21st Century (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural Medicines), pp. 573-582 (1998)

5. 高山廣光, 北島満里子, 相見則郎 : カンプトテシン系アルカロイドの化学. 有合化, 57, 181-193 (1999).

6. K. Watanabe, S. Yano, S. Horie, L. T. Yamamoto, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, S. Sakai, D. Ponglux, P Tongroach, J. Shan and P. K. T. Pang: Pharmacological Properties of Some Structurally Related Indole Alklaoids Contained in the Asian Herbal Medicines, Hirsutine and Mitragynine, with Special Reference to theis Ca2+ Antagonistic and Opioid-like Effects. Pharmacological Research on Traditional Heabal Medicines. ed by H. Watanabe and T. Shibuya, harwood academic publishers, 163-177 (1999).